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                  Photo Image Information


Submitted photos must be your own private property. If not, copyrights must be obtained with legal permission from the owner before uploading images for reproduction. By using our site for photos, you certify that you are entitled to use the uploaded photos in this manner.


We recommend using JPG formats. (GIF images will not reproduce as well as
other formats because of color compression.)
  For the best results, your photograph should meet these four requirements.

  1. Subject Matter. The main subject of your photo should occupy a minimum of 50-80% of the entire photograph.

  2. Picture Quality. The quality of the photo (i.e. clarity, brightness, spottiness) will affect the final product. If your photo is blurry, the end product will be blurry, (and cannot be returned). If there are white flash spots on the faces in your image, the white spots will appear even brighter in your end product.

  3. Contrast. The main subject of your photo should be noticeably different in color/contrast from the background within the photo (i.e. it is difficult to see a black cat sitting on a black sofa in a dark room).

  4. No Fancy Stuff. Do not use photographs which have professionally printed borders, fading, snow effects or even vignetted borders. Use the original image.


* The upload time will depend on the file size and your internet connection speed. Please be patient when uploading a large image.


* When scanning in photographs, please use a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. When taking digital images, set your camera at the highest possible resolution. You can always reduce the resolution later. Low-resolution images cannot be increased without loss of image quality.

* Your image will be reproduced as it appears. In some cases, we may crop the image for size, to fit the product you order. However, we can not color correct, retouch or otherwise crop your image. For the best results, we ask that you edit the photo with the online photo preview tool to the size and aspect ratio suggested in the product descriptions.

* Images with clear, bright colors will produce the best results.

                                                         EMAIL PHOTOS HERE

Please feel free to upload your photo(s) to our email as an attachment to email address , in the subject area, please add the Purchaser's full name.  any issues or questions, chat with us below or Contact Us. Thank you!  


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